Well done dear Friend. Love Sylvia xxx
Gordon is far too modest to tell you of his recent outings. He is not one to Blow his own Trumpet - or Soufflez votre propre Trompette - as Harvest so succinctly put it. I will therefore tell you myself, as we are all extremely proud of him. On February 10th at the Kent Show he not only won Best Sebright, but Best True Bantam also. And yesterday at the Reading Bantam Society's Open Show he won Best Gold Cock in the Area Club Show. Dad says he has a fine head. Some may argue with the reasonings that go on inside it - but there we are. Gordon told us of all the Sebrights he had met and lots of people that Dad introduced him to as well. He had a wonderful time.
Well done dear Friend. Love Sylvia xxx Harvest was explaining about the Chinese New Year to a spellbound group of pullets and cockerels.
"It began on 10 February this year. This marked the start of the current Year of the Snake on the Chinese Calendar. The date of the next Chinese New Year will be 31 January 2014 when it will be the Year of the Horse. Chinese New Year is also known as the Spring Festival. Different animals represent different years - a total of twelve." In unison they all excitedly asked what the other animals were. "Well - there is an Ox. Like Lois. And a Dog - like Harvey. And a Rabbit. That would be Peter. Then there is a Rat. Like Roland and his chums." "Is there a Chicken?" Piped up Gilly. "Of course - a Rooster!" Harvest looked very pleased with herself, and then her beak drooped slightly. "Sadly no Duck" She shook her big brown head and looked at her foot. "What else Harvest?" Reuben eagerly prompted her to continue. "A Monkey! That could be Baby White! Mrs White was always calling him a Little Monkey! And a Tiger - like Strawberry The Cat! And a Pig - I suppose we are all guilty of that when a yummy morsel arrives." They all laughed and trotted around. "And a Snake of course. A Sheep and a Dragon" Harvest scratched the back of her head with a large webbed foot. "I can't remember the last one now --- aaah! Yes! A Horse!" Just then the two Spotty Bantams - Les and Larry scooted through the yard. In a flash Gaylord called across - "You could be The Year of The Horse - Les arn' yer?!" [No comment. Gordon] Well here we are in February - the 10th to be precise. And just haven't written in our Diary for some time, as is apparent. This is mainly due to our Quilly Pens having frozen up during the cold weather or our Parchment, upon which we make notes, having been wet and soggified. Our efforts to keep warm have not been in vain - most of us have survived the dark days of winter - and now we are looking forward to spring. The mornings are getting gradually lighter earlier and the evenings too, are miraculously staying lighter later. The honeysuckle is sprouting her first leaves in the hedgerows and the primrose is pushing her green undergarments up amongst the dried, pale brown oak leaves in the bank. Mum and Dad have sported an assortment of strange clothes during the cold weather. They seem to go for the layered look - piling as many coats on top of coats as is humanly possible to walk in. Dad has not been spied without a brown furry Balalaika on his head. It has long ears and reminds us of Sammy Squirrel. Mum says it is a sort of Balaclava - but we're not so sure. And Mum has taken to wearing an old-fashioned headscarf! What is that about? Kizzie was frankly horrified - as are the motorists that see her at the wheel of her car.
"It keeps the wind out of my ears," she explained. "You know Gordon - everyone wore a headscarf like this when I was a young pullet." What even Dad? "And Princess Anne still wears one!" It does have it's disadvantages though - the woolly hat that perches on top most precariously, slides off at the drop of a hat. Many a time Mum has returned from feeding Lois minus her bobble hat. We think there are three to our knowledge scattered around the field somewhere. Come to think of it - that will be a good idea for a Treasure Hunt when this year's chicks get under our feet! Gordon xxx |
About UsHello! My name is Gordon and I am a Gold Sebright and my best friend is Sylvia. She is a Silver Sebright. We live with our foster parents on a small farm in the country. We thought that we would put our take on life and what we get up to through the year into a diary for you. All the characters are real and the events are a true record, interpreted with a modicum of poetic licence. We hope you enjoy it. Love Gordon and Sylvia Archives
December 2018