In spite of heavy rain Mum and Harvey managed to get a mauvilicious walk in last evening. We have had a lot of rain now - the ditches and ponds are tumbling over and the long grass is mighty wet. Mickey stays reluctantly in the barn thinking of all the hunting he could be doing and we content ourselves with ambling out between downpours. The cows and calves from the next door farm are thriving and we spotted a rather handsome young bull accompanying them. Lois professed to not being in the slightest bit interested, her having been through the cowapause some years ago! We have also met Mysty's second baby in the field with Lois. She is beautiful and we have called her Rose. And quite a few of us girls are trying to hide their eggs from Dad now and store them up in a secret nest. Sylvia xxx
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About UsHello! My name is Gordon and I am a Gold Sebright and my best friend is Sylvia. She is a Silver Sebright. We live with our foster parents on a small farm in the country. We thought that we would put our take on life and what we get up to through the year into a diary for you. All the characters are real and the events are a true record, interpreted with a modicum of poetic licence. We hope you enjoy it. Love Gordon and Sylvia Archives
December 2018