This morning is relatively calm, and warmish for January. Mr and Mrs Buzz are wheeling peacefully over the field quite low - with not the usual pesky crow in sight to bother them. Mysty the little Roe Deer is contendedly nibbling in the Lower Paddock - still not having joined up with friends and relatives as is usual in the cold of winter. Perhaps the persistant cold frosts are still a little way off. Dad will be off to buy our food this morning and we heard him mutter that he needs a new coil for his chainsaw so that he can cut up the fallen trees. We love Saturdays with lots going on. Must get busy on the manure heap. Will write again later. Love Gordon and Sylvia xxx Of course it didn't end up as idyllic as first imagined. Rarely seems to. Dad had a nice bonfire and all was ticking along nicely - until the farmer next door decided to move his sheep from the field behind Lois. To cut a long story short they did a detour and ended up in our woods. Mickey scampered at great speed back to the safety of his barn and peered cautiously around the bales at the melee that ensued. After dashings here and there the sheep were back on track and off to another field. They have left a rather nice warm looking woolly decoration on the barbed wire that Sylvia has her eye on for a cosy nest. That could be a good job for Neddie and Seagoon to do tomorrow. And as we settled down for the evening we heard the delicate tones of Ms Fox in the meadow. Dad shut the barn door and bid us goodnight and we climbed on our perches and settled contentedly down for a good night's sleep. Gordon x
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About UsHello! My name is Gordon and I am a Gold Sebright and my best friend is Sylvia. She is a Silver Sebright. We live with our foster parents on a small farm in the country. We thought that we would put our take on life and what we get up to through the year into a diary for you. All the characters are real and the events are a true record, interpreted with a modicum of poetic licence. We hope you enjoy it. Love Gordon and Sylvia Archives
December 2018