Mum is walking a bit more normally today. She and Harvey were having a lovely outing in the fields last week and they had been digging and sniffing, but then Harvey spotted the Black Pheasant cock strutting across the big field. We call him Black Philip. Now normally Harvey takes no notice of BP whatsoever, but on this occasion he decided to bolt after him at super-speed. Mum was caught unawares and as he extended to 30 miles an hour on the end of his long lead, he took Mum with him. She flew through the air and landed face first in the earth, bobbing along through the ruts and footprints left by the hunt. She stopped when her nose dug into a large hoofprint and the back of her neck bent upwards in a strange triangle shape. Never one to let go, Mum rose unceremoniously and said to Harvey in a rather breathless voice "Wait for me". Pretty pointless that, I reckon. Harvey wondered what on earth Mum was doing with her hat over her face and grass hanging out of her mouth. A new sport perhaps?
It is actually Harvey's birthday today and we have all clubbed together to buy him a pink rabbit and a squeaky bone. The bone is well built, but we give the rabbit three and a half minutes! Here he is relaxing on his big day:
And tonight we have to look at the moon - it was very bright last night and I didn't get to sleep for ages. But if it isn't cloudy it will be even bigger and even brighter, Truffle told us. I'm not sure I like the Full Moon - it makes some of my friends go a bit nutty bananas. Gordon x