And on Wednesday when Mum was going out across the field to see Lois, Mr Fox quite unaware that Mum was there, was trotting along his well worn paths and headed right towards her. He kept to his twisty path and first went to say Good Morning to Lois. Lois took hardly any notice of him at all and continued chewing contentedly. No sign of fear or aggression on her face, she gently raised her head slightly to acknowledge him. Quite obviously a frequent visiting friend - like Mysty, the Roe Deer. He became aware that Mum was now only a few yards away and turned with a backward glance to retrace his steps towards the side of the field. After Mum had checked Lois she looked back to where she had been standing when Mr Fox hadn't seen her, and that morning had dawned with a hard white frost covering most of the field - only melted in the dazzling sunshine that was now shining directly at her.