But the very exciting bit about this story is that he wrote about us! Kizzie had to steady the camera and tripod and film us in groups of three, whilst James observed. Hollywood here we come! Of course some of us took to centre stage with aplomb and some were a little more reticent - but we all had a wonderful time. Kizzie's nose went very red and her face very white as she was so cold - but back at Wattlebury Cottage she and James warmed up with steaming soup.
I explained to the youngsters born last year that if they were wanted to study further, they too could go on to University.
"That would be wonderful!" Donna looked thrilled. "I would love that Uncle Gordon. How will James' work be marked?"
I explained that it takes a lot of very clever people to mark the work and after the final exams he will be given his score. If he does excellently he will be awarded a First (a Geoff). A bit like us when we go to a Big Show. If he does very well, but not excellently, he gets a Second - either a 2.1 (an Attila) or a 2.2 (a Desmond) and if he comes 3rd (a Thora). I suppose he gets just a card instead of a rosette.
"What does that mean?" piped up Beryl.
"Well a First rhymes with Geoff Hurst - he remains the only man to score a hat-trick in a World Cup final as England recorded a 4–2 victory over West Germany at the old Wembley in 1966. So pretty special!"
"Do you remember seeing that match Uncle Gordon?" asked Susie.
I tried to ignore the question and continued, just a little ruffled: "A 2.1 rhymes with Attila the Hun. Attila was the ruler of the Huns from 434 until his death in March 453. He was the leader of the Hunnic Empire, a tribal confederation consisting of Huns, Ostrogoths, and Alans among others, on the territory of Central and Eastern Europe."
"And Desmond?" Pauly looked intrigued.
"Desmond Tutu of course Pauly! He is a human rights defender and nobel prize winner from South Africa. He became world famous in the 1980′s as an opponent of apartheid, during which time he was a bishop for the Anglican church in South Africa."
"I've worked out the next one!" Truffle looked highly delighted, "Thora Hird - third!"
"Well done Truffle! Yes - the late Dame Thora Hird, actress!"
We all agreed that it would be wonderful if James passed with any of these - but at the end of the day, whether you have been to University or are a Grub Controller in Wattlebury - to quote the words of Desmond Tutu:
'Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.'
Gordon xxx