The children were all very excited about going to school and there was a lot of frenetic activity as they darted hither and thither. Mrs One-Eye had turned Neddie and Seagoon out to perfection and she reminded them how to behave one last time. The spider's webs hung like hammocks between the old docks and thistles and sparkled in the morning sun. I remember going to school in the autumn and seeing the glistening webs hanging between the gates and fences. All too soon the pullets and cockerels had gone down the footpath by Lois' field and headed towards the little school across the big field. Their excited bustling chatter got more muffled the farther they got away, until you could no longer hear them at all. Perfect peace! The hens sighed with relief. A few of them dabbed their eye with a soft wing feather whilst I climbed back on the bins in the warm sunshine and snoozed contentedly. Gordon xx