The Scarecrow was decked out in his finest CDs and provided the lightshow. Daytime musical entertainment was provided by Bird (the cockatiel) on the flute, with Ellen (the parakeet) screeching intermittently.

The Bossy Rosecomb organised a game of rounders and the Treasure Hunt was a great success with Mandy finding the most feathers from Harry's tail.

At this point Lois' shoulders started shaking uncontrollably until she threw back her head and laughed so long and hard we thought she would never stop.

Harvey and Honey were heard to be winding up the day's jovialities with a raucous rendition of "You Ain't Nothin' But A Hound Dog". And on that note we gratefully welcomed Dad's return to shut us away for the night. God Bless (and hic!). Gordon & Sylvia xxx