There was more rioting too - the local lads were out late one night in their land-rover after the rabbits on the big farm. Harvey was very scared, but Honey was as cool as a cucumber, which is funny really as she is no bigger than a rabbit. Peter and his family kept well hidden until late next morning.
Then Mum saw the most gi-normous stoat near the cottage. It bounded from side to side up the lane towards her and raised it's head slowly in a slithery fashion and stared at her before calmly disappearing into the thick matted grass on the verge.
This weekend has been fun though - Dad went to the Chicken Supermarket and came back laden with some bags of supplies and Millet for Bird. We had a nice lady stop by and ask us if we knew where the dog that she had just found, lived. We hadn't seen it before and it had no collar on, so she took it off to the Vets to be scanned for a Microchip. Dad has been cleaning and sorting around the yard in preparation for some of my young nieces and nephews to move into larger accomodation. And we had a yummy piece of Rocky Road which we all shared. Some shared it more than others though. Gordon x