"I shall tell you a tale of yore."
We flattened and scruddled around on the loose hay in the barn until we were comfortable and he combed his whiskers slowly whilst we waited in silent anticipation of his Tale of Yore.
"Many, many years ago," he began, pausing slightly between purrs.
"Where was she Mickey?" Seagoon was almost beside himself with excitement and fear.
"No one knows, Seagoon. But it is said that on a late autumn evening as dusk falls you will still hear the Coach and horses racing up the drive and stop outside their stable block."
"Have you heard it Mickey?" Alys asked.
"Indeed," replied Mickey. " I was on a mousing adventure and had to take cover in the bushes as with a rush of wind the wheels and hooves sped past me. Now off you go to your beds and Sweet Dreams!"
And with that Mickey stretched and curled up in a snug ball ready for a good night's sleep. Gordon and Sylvia xxx