"Quickly, quickly," she gulped. "Come quickly! I've found hundreds of wiggley, jiggley, yellow worms. Enough for all of us!"
Of course the greedy Rosecombs headed off at top speed. Their wings pressed to the side of their body for extra speed, their strides lengthened and every so often, with a flap of their wings, taking to the air for an extra spurt. I looked at Sylvia - for a second a little puzzled, but from the direction they were heading, I realised what the Littlest Rosecomb had discovered.
"You may have to jump in the air for them," she said excitedly as they neared the bank by Peter's house. And sure enough as they reached her cache of wiggley, jiggley, yellow worms, it dawned on the Rosecombs that she had seen the Catkins on the Hazel tree. Gordon