"I really am very sorry Gordon," she looked me straight in the eye and being the kindly soul that I am, I nodded my head a tad and indicated with a gnarled claw that she should now begin taking notes. Immediately.
"Dad has left for Cornwall, Kizzie is at work, Harvey and Honey have had their walks and now I am all yours!"
Joy. Let's get started. I began to think back over the last few weeks and the changes that had inevitably happened as daylight hours grew shorter and shorter. We've had wind. Lots of it. And rain - quite a bit of that as well. There is much fun to be had sorting through the piles of leaves for tasty bugs though. It is still very mild and our friend Batty, who we haven't seen much of all summer, has taken to a dusky flight once more. The deer - Charles, Camilla and friends are often grazing in our little paddock. The Fox Family have split up and visit in pairs now. There are many pheasants that accompany Harry the Peacock in his quest for the Perfect Bug in the long grass. And Peter Rabbit and his Family are still very lively! There has been an abundance of rich fruits and berries and with the weather so mild it has been a most pleasant Autumn for us all.
"I've got all that Gordon. Do you want me to add any pictures?"
I nodded enthusiastically and indicated to the couple that Sylvia and I had selected.
I explained to Mum about a particularly yummy pie that the kind lady from the shop in Wattlebury had given to us. She also sells Home-made Jam at this time of the year - Whortleberry she calls it - but we think she has just spelt the name wrong! Gordon & Sylvia xxx